Sunday 5 May 2013


FOMCA NO PLASTIC advocates public to reduce even stop the uses of plastic products such as plastic bags, plastic bottles. Polystyrene products are also involved.2010 onwards, FOMCA has asked the Selangor government to review the 20 sen charge on plastic bags used on "No Plastic Day" on Saturdays in the state. 

I'm totally agree with this campaign as it helps saving the earth. Now, I'm going to give a preface of the reason we should not use plastic bags.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has estimated that more than 380 billion plastic bags, wraps and other plastic containers are sold each year in the United States. Plastic bags are everywhere, especially grocery stores and around the house. Plastic is often used instead of paper bags to store items such as clothing, shoes and food.

Plastic bags are harmful to sea and wildlifes. Many animals, especially birds, are strangled and killed by plastic bags. Some animals even eat the plastic bags which can lead to health problems and even death. The bags end up cluttering beaches and lakes, destroying the beauty of the landscape.

Plastic bags also depletes natural resources.Plastic bags are made from polyethylene which is derived from natural gas and crude oil. These resources are vital for other needs and plastic bags are not the most important need. Once these resources are used up, they are gone so they are considered non-renewable natural resources. A lot of resources go into the production of one plastic bag that may only be used one time.


Brown paper bags. These cost more up-front than plastic bags, but have none of the after-costs. 
Paper bags come from renewable sources, are biodegradable, re-useable, and recyclable. They 
contain no toxic chemicals. 
Using our heads, and our hands. Our first tools – our hands – are the most renewable resource 
ever invented for carrying things. 
Boxes. Stores have a constant influx of cardboard packing boxes. We save our grocers’ time 
and effort when we take purchases home in these boxes. 
Truly bio-degradable synthetics. Today, cellophane, corn starch-based compounds, and other 
benign products are being developed used, but they still often contain plastic. Please use the 
above alternatives instead!